Posted by Herb Brown Jr on October 29, 2013 
Great shot. Nice matching consist.
Posted by John Russell on October 29, 2013 
Great shot for a cloudy day! Does anybody on RP know when this Norfolk Southern bridge was built? Wikipedia says it is 30264 ft/ 9224m long and longest rail bridge over water in the world. But is it the longest rail bridge in world???
Posted by pierre fournier on October 29, 2013 
Marvellous pic.
Posted by Wayne Hudak on November 2, 2013 
Originally a Southern Railway bridge, seems i remember the bridge supports being wood pilings in the late 50's as dad was driving on what was known as the "Five Mile Bridge". My parents were from Louisiana and we visited family there every summer, i saw this railroad bridge only 2 or 3 times.
Posted by Craig Williams on November 2, 2013 
Cool shot!
Posted by Sean Mathews on November 4, 2013 
This is one of those cases where overcast and gray works to the advantage of the shot as opposed to sunny and blue skies. Good job! Nice catch!
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