Posted by Jim Thias on September 4, 2013 
Another beautiful scene you've captured there, Mike! Without the train this would still be one to print and hang on a wall.
Posted by Tom Gorton on September 5, 2013 
Mike, you bring the deliver the best of Canadian railroading right into my home. Nice work you do, it can't be easy. I appreciate it.
Posted by partneylr777 on September 5, 2013 
Breath taking! You really have an eye for good pics! Must be some griz around here! Thanks for sharing such scenery...I envy your travels and love for trains!!!
Posted by Blair Kooistra on September 5, 2013 
Very nicely processed, Mike! And I appreciate how you can make a scene that otherwise might be seen as mundanely lit by most photographers and by knowing how light works on foreground subjects create a great image from it. The high-noon light doesn't matter in this case--the subject is in profile against a lighter background and the sun creates a nice highlight on the fallen trees in the foreground. A true master with a camera!
Posted by Jake B. on September 5, 2013 
What an incredible view! Great composition with the lone dead tree!
Posted by Kris Walker on September 6, 2013 
This is a simply magnificent photograph. The Canadian wilderness is perfect and quiet, but once a train for the Canadian National comes, it shatters the silence, if only for a momentary interlude. But, once the train has cleared, the sounds of nature reclaim their dominant domain.
Posted by Daven Walters on September 8, 2013 
Absolutely Stunning.
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