Posted by Cameron Applegath on March 30, 2013 
Maybe stretched a little too generously, leader 7083 caught fire around Doncaster. Nice shot, Mike.
Posted by Mike Lockwood on March 30, 2013 
Thanks Cam. They had a scheduled lift at Oshawa for another 745 tons that they had to very respectfully inform the RTC they'd rather not do on account of their power. It was canceled, though it would seem they would have been better served setting off everything but the stack car in Oshawa.
Posted by Wayne Weidner on March 30, 2013 
A couple of "little engines that could---well almost" Hope "83" is mending OK!
Posted by Cameron Applegath on March 30, 2013 
^I hope so too. Poor geep. Note the plow stripes!!
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