Posted by Mitch Goldman on December 15, 2012 
Looks R-T-R! Glad it's covered but sure wish someone would come up with a more photogenic cover. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by on December 16, 2012 
#221 was there for some years and deteriorated so it was moved and scrapped, and #229 was pulled over from the nearby roundhouse where it had been stored. Too bad it was left to the elements for so many years. I hope they can keep the gang graffiti off of it now.
Posted by CZECH-SIX on December 17, 2012 
Posted by pjflstc on December 17, 2012 
I have to agree. It belongs indoors to prevent further deterioration & corrosion. Better yet, how about operational restoration. UP has done it for many years. Letting it sit outside will cause it to deteriorate and eventually lead to it being scraped like 221. Kinda like having an old Duesenburg that sits outside and never restored.
Posted by Dana M. on March 27, 2014 
So if 221 got so deteriorated that it had to be scrapped because it was out in this very location, WHY would someone decide to pull this one OUT of storage IN A ROUNDHOUSE to possibly face the same fate? Who's bright idea was that? (In the voice of "Goofy") "Uh, uh-yeah, I think we should, uh, gee golly willakers, uh, hey let's move this one out there by golly! She's in good shape, uh-ya' know, and she's real purty too!"
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