Posted by Rich Brown on October 29, 2012 
HALLOWEEN on the Railroad. The stories that this station could tell of the people who have passed through it, and those spirits that may still REMAIN. LOVE IT ! Definite PCA choice.
Posted by Sisko24 on October 30, 2012 
I don't ordinarily like black and white photos. I usually prefer the life-like color that is reality. But this one commands my admiration because it is so haunting. Like a trip back in time to a O. Winston Link photoshoot, this photo teases the viewer by not showing the approaching train, leaving it in the viewer's imagination whether this is a current Norfolk Southern freight or (perhaps) a Norfolk & Western streamliner. Either is a possibility and the photo wonderfully allows us to view it in any way we choose. This shot is magical and it would be even if it weren't posted here just days before Halloween. Thank you for posting this.
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