Posted by John R on May 1, 2012 
Another excellent photo David. I am happy to report that GARR 1026 is alive and well at the Southeastern Railway Museum located in Duluth GA. Thanks for all you great posts. John R
Posted by Bernie Feltman on May 2, 2012 
Just the way I remember it looking !
Posted by Bill Caywood on May 3, 2012 
For what it's worth, the gondola in the left edge of David's historic photo is hauling steel reels of cable. Some of these loads consisted of very long lengths of cable, some of which were wound on multiple reels. As could be expected the winding of these very long lengths was very difficult to do. The loading and unloading of multiple reels which were connected to each other by the cable was also very hard to do. An example of the type of lengths of such cables would be the cable used on the Incline Railroad in Chattanooga, Tn. All wire rope cable will eventually wear out and must be replaced. Wire rope is a machine and has working tolerances more precise than those found in an automobile engine. Wire rope must be kept lubricated, but it is not lubricated with crude oil based products. Wire rope is lubricated with mineral oil based lubricants.
Posted by on May 3, 2012 
Interesting stuff, Bill, and something I was mostly ignorant about. Thanks.
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