Posted by SSW8089 on November 30, 2011 
I am not a big UP fan but I don,t think even a UP should have that done to it . That is not art!
Posted by triplebuc69 on November 30, 2011 
It is definitely Vandalism for sure, and Trespassing too, although there is a Artistic flair that should not be denied, just wonder how long it took to create this artistic work, and why did no one notice all this activity!
Posted by Wang Halen on November 30, 2011 
I'd rather see this than the gaudy flag like most other UP engines have.
Posted by Richard Armstrong on November 30, 2011 
Posted by Sport! on November 30, 2011 
Graffiti is graffiti, it does not belong, nor was intended to belong, and never will belong no matter how well done or artitistic it appears. In the end, it just brings down physical & mental values, especially social values. It is a sign & symptom of a decaying society...
Posted by J Moller on November 30, 2011 
Here is a photo of the same two units from June 2008
Posted by cavranger on November 30, 2011 
Just imaging the cost of repainting this unit and who pays for the long run, the everyday consumer! I vote crime.
Posted by Cullen J. Reid on November 30, 2011 
This is nothing but pure vandalism. Not artistic at all.
Posted by The Grande on November 30, 2011 
At least it looks cool!
Posted by Erick Anderson on November 30, 2011 
I admire their dedication but it's still a no-no.
Posted by Ken Huard on November 30, 2011 
Vandalism! It's just people (prob teens) with too much free time on their hands. Blame parenting or probably the lack of parenting for this type of behavior. I think the vast majority of people just look at it as taggers damaging private property, skill or no skill. UP should hire more security.
Posted by Adam Wills on December 1, 2011 
I personally don't mind graffiti on freight cars but I do find this kind of action wrong. Above all the locomotive is the cooperate image of the railroad more so then any other part of the railroad and this really looks badly on UP. My thought. Keep it on the freight cars because without the locomotives the graffiti writers wouldn't have freight cars to write on.
Posted by on December 6, 2011 
This is taking it too far. Paint on locomotives is Vandalism clear and cut. Hope they get the punks who did this. What goes around comes around people. Thank you for showing us this Buffie. Next time catch them in the act. That would be hilarious to see their faces.
Posted by steve star on December 7, 2011 
You know whats really sad and this is what our society has become, if the railroad police saw this action happening and "attemped" to stop the vandals I would bet my bottom dollar that they would cry foul and play on that their rights have been violated. Take UP to court and probably win a settlement.
Posted by Joe Musolf on December 7, 2011 
I remember the good old days when people would just put their graffiti on freight cars, not locomotives! When did the trend of vandalizing the locomotives like this start? I like the UP paint scheme on the SD60s too.
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