Posted by Andrew Matuska on November 4, 2003 
Is it really worth it? May be, when one gets hit they’ll think twice.
Posted by Gregory Weirich on November 4, 2003 
More likely there will be an outcry about how dangerous the trains are and that they should move the tracks to protect everyone's children.
Posted by Michael William Sullivan on June 25, 2004 
That one kid looks like he WANTS to die, while the other two seem to be trying to rush a little bit...
Posted by Eric Knopp on August 14, 2004 
Heh, they shure are acting like children... Rushing through life just to end it all... Really a pity.
Posted by John Morelli on April 30, 2005 
It looks like these kids don't even deserve to even be in college.
Posted by natethegreat on November 22, 2005 
When I was down there, I saw a student climb onto a flatcar so she wouldnt have to wait for the train to pass. I was shocked how stupid someone could be.
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