Posted by Erick Anderson on August 26, 2011 
I'd like to know more about that second set of rails running to the left.
Posted by DarĂ­o Saidman on August 27, 2011 
Estimate: the tracks you mention are for to park small motor vehicles (meter gauge) in which moves personnel performing maintenance and inspection of the tracks. Should be circulating in the opposite direction a train, the vehicle is removed from the main tracks (stands several men) and placed in these set of rails... Once the freight train has passed, the vehicle back on main tracks and continue the travel ... there are many of this set of rails every certain number of miles. Regards!
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on August 27, 2011 
Railroads and mountains are dangerous enough by themselves and even more so together. While both you and I are glad you lived to tell the tale, always remember that no shot is worth getting hurt for. I was going to comment before I read your story that this is the most hellacious, scary looking locomotive I have ever seen. Hollywood filmmakers take notice.
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