Posted by cmdrflake on February 26, 2011 
The Rohr turbos aged quickly. After but ten years of service, they were done. Amtrak, sadly, never really knew how to utilize them. When they were new they were quite fast, but short on comfort. They had suspension issues that were successfully addressed. When their turbines aged, and their fuel consumption rate got out of hand, it was over. I will not go into the hissy fit New York DOT and Amtrak had over the rebuilt turbos.
Posted by Rich Brown on February 26, 2011 
The Turboliners always SEEMED like such a good idea. The State of NY spent a "fortune" on them only to end up with nothing to show for the money spent, when the result SHOULD have been hourly 100+ mph service between New York City & Albany, that could have served as an example for the rest of the country of how to do non-electrified "corridor services." PS: Those really BIG windows were a treat too.
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