Posted by on November 27, 2010 
They look great!
Posted by Renee on November 27, 2010 
And an excellent exposure on a totally overcast day considering the color, or lack thereof, on the diesels! I wish I could have been there myself.
Posted by Bernie Feltman on November 27, 2010 
Great photo, Marty! Good to see you posting photos again!
Posted by steve star on November 29, 2010 
Great photo Marty!! The fuel racks and loco shops bring back old memories. All of that is long gone, at least 10-11 years now. I beieve all that remains is the old turntable which would be just northwest of this location. After the Soo takeover of the Milwaukee Road and subsequently the CP takeover, the loco shops were no longer needed. To my knowledge all of the work was sent out as needed to other locations. I do know the piggyback division was no longer needed after the Soo takeover, I know this because my father lost his job after 22 years with the MMTC.
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