Posted by W. D. Shaw on June 17, 2010 
I don't know if it's landscape factors, architecture, or a combination of the two that come together to give that small window of light at that location but I really admire the way you utilize it to create great human interest photos. Nice work, as always!
Posted by EL ROCO Photography on July 20, 2010 
It is a combination of factors that allow the light to be at this place and at the time the #4 comes in to Fullerton. Also the fact that the train cars are polished metal and not painted, adds to the effect since they act like reflecting mirrors rather than absorbing the light. As of this week (July 20th, 2010) the sun has moved enough that these shots are no longer available because you get the railing on the handicap ramp in the shot - since the light beam is now situated down the platform beyond where the small child is standing. Eventually (in August) the sun will move behind a building and this whole side of the train will be in the shadows until next year. Thanks for taking a look and leaving your comment.
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