Posted by Mitch Goldman on April 26, 2010 
I'd sure like to spot this today! Or, any box car with a railroad name and logo!
Posted by Bernie Feltman on April 27, 2010 
This entire method of railroading has disappeared - 40 foot box cars - that specifically targeted truck traffic the size of single trailer shipments. Amory, MS had a customer on the east end of the Frisco/BN yard that for years would see a daily spotting of 40 foot Frisco/BN box cars spotted at the loading doors on the north wall. Upon deregulation, the 40 foot cars disappeared from this customer and tractor trailers began being spotted for loading at the former customer. This CB&Q box not only represents a "fallen flag", but also is a symbol for local freight, single car railroading that today's Class 1 system seemingly isn't interested in. Great photo, Don
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