Posted by Doug Wolfe on November 22, 2008 
The antlers are a nice touch. Good photo.
Posted by Praminto Nugroho on November 22, 2008 
Love the deer horns on the head light. Well, a great night lighting too.
Posted by Pete Reynolds on November 22, 2008 
There is also an airplane in this picture. I was really impressed with the quality of this picture. Keep up the good work.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on November 24, 2008 
That is the most unusual, spooky, weird lighting of a locomotive I have ever seen! I love digital's ability to capture stars. But tell the truth, how did you get the Big Dipper to be in the exact right spot?
Posted by Edward P. Sarber on March 12, 2009 
What are all of those Blue & Red dots?
Posted by Matt3985 on June 6, 2010 
Where? I dont see any airplane? =/ Nice shot by the way. Great timing on catching the big dipper at the right spot and time. =)
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