Posted by on July 15, 2008 
Lovely texture. You didn't get any shots of the resulting derailment did you?
Posted by Ken Kuehne on July 15, 2008 
Very creative shot Andrew.
Posted by Maddie Farnsworth on July 15, 2008 
It still came out really good though.
Posted by Steven M. Welch on July 15, 2008 
Only you would think of shooting something like this! Well done Andrew!
Posted by Mitch Goldman on July 15, 2008 
Well, now Steve, I wouldn't say that... A penny saved is a PC earned - I'm still working on this shot.
Posted by James Belmont on July 15, 2008 
I once had quite a substantial collection of "smashed" coins. My father and I would chase the Heber Creeper tourist train and inevitably he would offer his son a coin to place on the railhead. I recall one day obtaining a perfect oval with Lincoln's portrait smack dab in the middle. Thanks Andrew for bringing back for me a golden memory.
Posted by cavranger on July 15, 2008 
When I attended the Grade Crossing Collision and Investigation Class, the NS instructors informed us that the penny can shoot out from under the wheel and possible hurt some one. We even witnessed a father and son putting coins on the tracks as we conducted our cab ride through Ashville, NC. Neat picture nonetheless!
Posted by Janet Cottrell on July 15, 2008 
Well executed shot, I love the sense of motion in the circular texture towards the bottom left hand corner.
Posted by Kit Fassett on July 16, 2008 
This shot shows something very interesting, at least to me. The point of wheel to rail contact forms a focus point and all other motion is moving in a circle around that point. Which is true to the physics involved. The point of wheel contact with road or rail surface is still while everything else on the wheel is moving. A physicist could give you a better explanation. This is a very good photograph of how a wheel works and a very good picture for a lot of reasons.
Posted by - on July 16, 2008 
Very cool!
Posted by on July 16, 2008 
Absolutely incredible idea!
Posted by Pete Lerro - on July 16, 2008 
Very unique shot. The motion of the wheel has the perfect motion blur to it which also helps guide the viewer's eye right to the unsuspecting penny. Please keep in mind for the future, my PCA vote cost at least a nickel ;)
Posted by Doug Wolfe on July 16, 2008 
Interesting perspective.
Posted by David Tuttle on July 17, 2008 
Extraordinary in so many ways, Andrew. Excellent, excellent vision and execution.
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