Posted by on April 17, 2007 
How in the world did you get between 251 and Dement that quickly, even at restricted speed?!? Kudos on BOTH those shots!
Posted by Mike Schaller on April 17, 2007 
You were lucky to get from 251 to here and get a shot. I assume he was going slow. Nice shots. I wish i could be there and see them.
Posted by Robby Gragg on April 18, 2007 
I was in Rochelle later this day (I saw the trio at Cortland) and the person running the gift shop said it was moving so slowly you could walk faster then it. Great shot!
Posted by Nick Hart on April 18, 2007 
Nice shot, Erik! I caught them at Cortland. Later, when I went to Rochelle, I was told that this train was moving at a walking speed past the Railroad Park.
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