BNSF Railway train Q-NYCLAC6-16L holds Track 2 while it awaits an open track at Hobart Yard, just south of downtown Los Angeles – its eastbound counterpart (the Q-LACNYC) was due to depart Hobart soon. Meanwhile, there was a maintenance crew working on one of the well cars just on the other side of the Beach Boulevard overpass (the truck’s headlight is visible). As it waits, Amtrak 3, the westbound Southwest Chief, overtakes it on Track 3 behind P42DCs (201 and 190 pulling 7 cars). This train was only 1 hour 37 minutes late – not too bad for this train of late. (Buena Park, California – November 20, 2021)
California-bound rail travelers from the east have three choices to reach the Golden State: California Zephyr, Southwest Chief, Sunset Limited/Texas Eagle. A look back through the years including the now-defunct Desert Wind
For the train and storm chaser. Trains in thunderstorms, rain, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, storm light, rainbows, fog, and snow storms. An "E" album.