In the driving late fall rain, CSX V134-05 (Calhoun,GA-Terra Hute,IN) streak around the curve at Lookout Valley on the old main where the inbound crew is bringing the empty train up to the crew change point at Wauhatchie Pike (MP J-145.7). The inbound crew had an easy 60 rail-miles run north from the Pilgrim Pride Feed Mill in Calhoun, GA on the Western & Atlantic Sub. Now the 5,496ft long unit train will wait til the outbound Chattanooga Sub crew to go on duty at 4pm that afternoon, so for the meantime the inbound crew will wait for a taxi to pick them up and take them to the crew room at Yard. The outbound crew will take the train to Kayne Ave in downtown Nashville, and eventually will arrive to be reloaded with soybean at the Gavilon-Graham Grain Feed Mill.
Railroading is a 24 hour a day business, that never sleep. From sunset to sunrise the railroad must run. These image are taken by some of the best rail photographer out their.
For the train and storm chaser. Trains in thunderstorms, rain, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, storm light, rainbows, fog, and snow storms. An "E" album.