Rolling meet at Rollins In the aftermath of a late high country snowstorm, Union Pacific MDVRO manifest freight rumbles westward on the main, meeting an eastbound BNSF helper set at Rollinsville, Colorado, on April 22, 2001. The freight is powered by five motors, including Rio Grande Tunnel Motors Nos. 5345 and 5371, while the two SD40-2 helpers are drifting back to Denver after helping a westbound BNSF freight to the Moffat Tunnel. Needless to say—UP doesn’t run Rio Grande SD40T-2s, nor does BNSF operate manned helpers—on the Moffat main line anymore.
Crazy pool power consists, colorful gatherings of locomotives at a diesel service area, or a mixture of colorful locomotives in storage lines. A minimum of four different paint schemes required.