Good Light, Good Scenery, and a Train
Album created by member Lee Kirchhoff | Album Views: 65,552 | Landscape photography is difficult due to the challenge of combining good light and good scenery. Good railroad photography enters another level of complexity since it requires the first two while there is a train in view. |
Pretty Dang Good
Album created by member Mitchell | Album Views: 17,679 | Photos that aren't quite amazing, but still pretty dang good. |
Album created by member coco13cos | Album Views: 3,539,760 | Over 50.000 of RP's most appreciated and beautiful photos. |
Wide Cab Locomotives
Album created by member John Westfield | Album Views: 144,664 | Replacing older standard cab locomotives, Wide Cab Locomotives provide crews with better comfort and safety. |
Album created by member Mitch Goldman | Album Views: 68,707 | Photos where the Sun is integral to the composition. |