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- Bridges/Trestles
- Derailments
- In-Cab Photos
- Night Shots
- Passenger Trains
- Snow Shots
- Special Schemes
- Stations/Terminals
- Steam Locomotive
- Street Running
- Towers
- Tunnel Photos
- Yards

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Want to show your photos to the world? Add them to the world's most popular, highest quality rail photo database! We simply ask that you follow these guidelines:

1. Please only upload photos that you have taken, or that you have the legal right to display (such as those passed down from a family member, those where you have legal possession of the original, etc.). We take copyright violations very seriously!

2. The photos must depict railroad-related material.

3. The photos must be in JPEG (with the extension .jpg) format.

4. Image file size must not exceed 10 megabytes and the filename should contain only the characters A-Z and 0-9. Other non-standard ASCII characters, such as parenthesis, the # symbol, etc. are incompatible with our filesystem.

5. Maximum upload sizes are: 1600 pixels in width (landscape format) 1200 pixels in height (portrait format). Minimum sizes are 900 pixels in width (landscape format) and 500 pixels in height (portrait format).

6. Save your photos with as little JPEG compression as possible while still keeping the size under 2mb.

7. Do not submitted uncorrected or unmodified versions of previously rejected photos. If you are submitting a previously rejected photos with corrections made, please be sure to post a note to the screeners using the "Comments to Screeners" field below letting us know what you've done to improve the image.

8. The only HTML tags allowed in the 'Caption' field are bold and italics. HTML links to outside websites, page breaks, etc. are not allowed!

9. Read These:

Detailed Photo Submission Guidelines

Please make sure, prior to attempting to upload photos, that you have both cookies and javascript enabled on your internet browser.

Shortly after your photos are reviewed, you will receive an e-mail notifying you of the status of your photos.

Questions about uploading photos, editing, or the screening process? Please visit our Railroad Photography Forum!

Once you have filled out the required information below, and pressed the 'Send Photo!' button, it will take from several seconds to several minutes for your upload to complete. The length of this wait is largely dependent on the speed of your internet connection. Please be patient!

- Photographer Details -
» If you haven't registered, please Create an Account now!

We require each photographer to create an account with us. This allows photographers to, at a later date, manage their photos, make corrections, etc.

If you're already registered, please enter your login details below.

You will remain logged in until you close your browser, or click the Logout buttons found around this website.
User ID: Password:  

- File Details -
Please press the 'Browse' button below to select which photo you'd like to upload from your hard drive.

Note: Filenames containing non-standard characters, such as parenthesis (), asterisks *, brackets [], etc. are not compatible with our database. Please remove non-standard characters and symbols from filenames prior to upload.
File to Upload:

- Photo Details -
Please enter all relevant data about the photo in the fields below.
Select the country/state and city at which the photo was taken.



Do not, unless you have selected 'Other City' in the Location popup menu, type anything in the two boxes above. Entering non-standard location data may result in your photos being rejected.
The railroad location at which the photo was taken.

Enter the rail location where this photo was taken above. Common examples include bridge, tunnel, interlocking, tower, and yard names, as well as geographic locations along a particular line, such as 'Horseshoe Curve' or 'Donner Pass.'
The details of the train's leading locomotive.
Other Locomotive (if not listed):
The railroad to which the lead locomotive belongs.
Due to continuous bad data entry, we have closed the Railroad field to user input. If you can't find the railroad you need in the list above, please complete this form to add it to the list!
Road Number:
The road number of the leading locomotive.
In format CSXT 7812, CP 9300, BNSF 125, etc.
Train ID:
Train ID, if known.
(Example: CSX Q522, CSX P030, etc.)
Date on which photo was taken.
Month:   Day:   Year:
Please provide a brief caption to go along with your image.
Please check all that apply.

Note: Checking a category is not required. If none fit, leave all categories unchecked.
Bridges/Trestles: This photo depicts a bridge or trestle.
Derailments: This photo depicts a derailment/accident.
In-Cab Photos: This photo depicts the interior of a cab.
Night Shots: This photo depicts night/dusk/dawn lighting.
Passenger Trains: This photo depicts a passenger train.
Snow Shots: This photo depicts snow operations.
Special Schemes: Celebratory or special scheme?
Stations/Terminals: This photo depicts a railroad station.
Steam Locomotive: This photo depicts a steam engine.
Street Running: This photo depicts street running ops.
Towers: This photo depicts an interlocking tower.
Tunnel Photos: This photo depicts a tunnel.
Yards: This photo depicts yard operations.
EXIF Data:
Show EXIF data with this photo?
Yes:  No: 
You may default this option to ON or OFF in the Change User Info portion of the Members section! You must be logged in for the software to remember your preference.
Comments to Screeners:
Type any comments you feel are relevant to the screeners about this photo.

Yes:  No: 
Would you like to apply a RailPictures.Net 'watermark' to this photo to protect it from possible theft? If you select 'Yes,' you will be given options for placement/opacity/size of this watermark on the next page, after submitting your photo.