Posted by Gales of November on November 2, 2015 
What an amazing photograph! Well done!
Posted by Sean Mathews on November 2, 2015 
What is causing the odd distortion patterns on the lower part of the photo? About 2/5 from the bottom right side, there is an odd ripple effect in the leaves.
Posted by Joshua Jankus on November 2, 2015 
I see it too. It's actually visible in a decent amount of the photograph.
Posted by Erick Anderson on November 2, 2015 
The rail is most likely reflecting points of light instead of a continuous line, and each of those points is blurred into a circle due to them being out of focus. The Japanese word bokeh is used to describe it.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on November 9, 2015 
I sometimes pass on commenting on a photo like this without the EXIF but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Very creative - well seen and superbly captured. Congrats on a well earned PC!
Posted by Jim Thias on November 9, 2015 
Erick, Josh and Sean aren't referencing any reflecting points of light, nor the bokeh, for that matter. There is some odd distortion in the leaves in the lower quadrant of the frame. Directly left and right of that distortion the leaves look perfect.
Posted by Nick Rynes on November 12, 2015 
I'm on the same page as Mitch...wish I could see the EXIF data on this one...the focal length seems weird in this image...
Posted by Rcamp123 on September 1, 2016 
Why is this person so talented?
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