Posted by beano on December 9, 2015 
Geez I sure like this shot Joe you hit the motherlode of classic classics here. Makes me think of a time when I was out summer traveling on the cheap and needed a bath. Well anyway I was below this magnificent structure taking a bath a quick one the water was pretty cool and figured all right im pretty clean and im pretty cool my pack was on the beach the sun was out it was warm and im now really pretty cool the water was getting cooler it seemed and I am ready to git out the river then all of a sudden these two ladies come out of the trees with about five little kids and decide to enjoy the beach also except im freezing by now . Well the blanket gets spread out the food is getting unpacked the kids are throwing rocks in the river and I am so cool ,,,,,,,, I am Iceman . Hey I shouted I am climbing out this river you all should turn around as all my clothes are on my pack and I don't want to offend anybody and embarrass myself shrinkage of the linkage so the ladies have the kids by them all turned away and here I come as quick as I can and am diving into my cutoffs Levi 501,s and I can here laughing and as I turned around I saw just about everyone cracking up. The ladies asked if I wanted a piece of chicken but I wasn't staying for long took the chicken but then I was gone, how embarrassing. I laugh now but at the time I wasn't wasting any time hanging around staying for tea. Those F units really looked pretty cool. Cheers Joe !
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