Posted by knine on January 23, 2014 
My favorite Amtrak paint scheme ever. Loved the Pepsi cans.
Posted by Nscalemike on January 23, 2014 
Very striking image Sir James...I miss the old Desert Wind...hard to believe it's been 17yrs since it last ran.
Posted by Dana M. on February 8, 2014 
Loved this paint scheme. I always get confused when a railroad gets a great scheme, someone then decides to change it. When you have something that's good, stick with it. Look at the success of the UP and NS "Heritage Fleets". Folks love the old, classic, and darn good looking paint schemes. Why do corporate bigwigs have to go and mess up a good thing when they have a success? Amtrak should have kept this scheme. And CSX needs to bring back the "Kitten"! I miss the Kitty on the nose of a locomotive, they should at least make the "C" of CSX the classis "Chessie" "C". Now, stepping off my soapbox, and off to enjoy a Pepsi!
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