Posted by Kurt Wayne on March 13, 2013 
Cristiano, are they yet building the (Vale?) line between Belém and Açailândia (which as I understand will intersect with the Carajas-São Luís line this train plies)? If so, will the Belém line be equipped to handle Carajas ore trains as well or will it "just" handle grain and freight from central and south Brasil on the new north-south railway which also comes into Açailândia? Hope they give this handsome locomotive a wash soon as it's clearly needed, unless the EdeFC people are counting on heavy Amazonian rainfall to take care of it.
Posted by Cristiano Oliveira on March 14, 2013 
Hi Kurt. Well, the north section of the North South Railroad linking Açailândia to Belém doesn't even have a date to start. The governement is priorizing the south section that will link the Itaqui Port located at city of São Luís to the Port of Santos at São Paulo state. Besides that, with the duplication of EFC and the fact that Itaqui Port is been expanded, with the building of a brand new grain and containers terminals suplying the necessities of a new port to receive all the freights coming from north south railroad and virtually eliminating at short and medium terms the necessities to build the north section which theoretically would be mainly used to transport general cargo and be export by Belém.
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