Posted by MarkT on August 18, 2011 
Its always the way.... However this photo has come out great, the kids definitely add to it.
Posted by Ellis Simon on August 18, 2011 
Looks almost like the Pennsy.
Posted by beano on February 8, 2018 
As much as I like to see children messing around having fun around the attraction the trains are to young kids I think this photo is offensive and should not be on this great website. Keep it clean,we don't need anybody having a reason to shut this site down. I have never posted one photo but have enjoyed lots of them including probably yours Daniel. Be this an innocent moment as you say, still I BEANO THINK THIS IS NOT SUITED FOR THIS SITE . I hope you get my drift. I know times are quite different these days and I thought let it pass like if you saw this live but to post it here is out of order. Just had to say. Party on Dan.
Posted by Daniel SIMON on February 9, 2018 
Hi Beano, Many thanks for your comment, but I really do not understand why you are so agressive and what the problem is with this picture. I would highly appreciate if you could explain me more in details why this photo is not appropriate and why it is supposed to kill the site ????? The photo has more than 7000 views and 18 favorites (including you). Have you ever visited India ? This is how things are happening in this country. Many thanks in advance for your clarification. It is very easy to critisize without giving a clear explanation of the problem. Best regards, Daniel
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