Posted by Jonathan Hallman on February 9, 2010 
That's just classic!
Posted by Ray Peacock on February 9, 2010 
They need to adorn it with the UP wings.
Posted by Drifton on February 10, 2010 
And they couldn't find a yellow one? Ha, nice catch.
Posted by Iben WerkinonnaRR on February 10, 2010 
Amtrak should take note if they really want to cut corners.
Posted by Ky.CatFan on February 10, 2010 
I just love this Porta-Car, especially the lowered step for easy access to the facility. That draw bar is not going to get lost either, and the white flag's so that it's easily visible in a string of M O W equipment. I wonder how long it's going to take for the engineer of a passing train to blow the horn just to see if it's in use.
Posted by azmike on February 10, 2010 
Pride of the UP fleet. Think we need a Heritage Series set of these built and distribute across the UP kingdom.
Posted by Rangachari Anand on February 10, 2010 
Love it!
Posted by larrym on February 10, 2010 
What great timing. With April Fools Day fast approaching,the opportunities for practical jokes are endless. And people say UP doesn't have a sense of humor.
Posted by Archer01 on February 10, 2010 
Ingenuity at it's finest! Or as they say necessity is the mother of all inventions! Since this is obviously a training unit, where is the FRED? :p
Posted by EL ROCO Photography on February 10, 2010 
That is cool. I especially like the first aid kit in case you have and accident! I have a shot of one of these being towed down the track in the MOW conga line, but it is nice to see one standing still so that you can take it all in.
Posted by Steven M. Welch on February 10, 2010 
UP's Headquarters relocated to Texas?
Posted by mike kreuscher on February 10, 2010 
So, would this be considered a rear end device?
Posted by Jim Thias on February 10, 2010 
I saw one of those sitting along the tracks near Casa Loma in California back in August. I wanted to put it on the rails so bad.... haha
Posted by Glenn Laux on February 10, 2010 
I'm assuming that black box is for the complaint department lol.
Posted by on February 10, 2010 
I wonder if they'll do some heritage schemes of these critters? ;)
Posted by John Briggs on February 10, 2010 
Ive actually seen a half dozen of these scattered across the system. Makes me wonder if there isnt an engineering plan on how to construct them as they all seem to look alike. Can you see the request for bid on that? Does the low man on the totem pole in Engineering get to design this as a test of thier skills?
Posted by Ken Huard on February 10, 2010 
The new UP slogan, All The Comforts of Home!
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