Posted by on August 20, 2009 
Wow! It's only with this commentary & this series of photos that I can fully understand why there were those who spat at even first generation diesels. I now spend most of my time tracking both steam & cab units down. Fantastic shots.
Posted by James C. Smith, Jr. on August 20, 2009 
Yes, this E8 is leased from the RF&P, but look closely and note that Roanoke shops has actually relettered it Norfolk and Western! They also did the same to purple and silver E-units leased from the Atlantic Coast Line during the same period. Southern E-units ran over the N&W as well, (in some through services out of Washington, DC,) from Lynchburg, VA to Roanoke, where N&W J-class 4-8-4s pulled train on to Bristol, TN. There, Southern took over again for the balance of the run. I never saw these E8s, so marked, reproduced in color before!
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