Posted by Edward Zen on September 24, 2015 
This train was featured in video "Caillou steals his dad's car and gets grounded" made by YouTube username CottonBeltSD40T. While Caillou steals his dad's car in an attempt to go to Chuck-E-Cheese's, Nicholas and his fellow passengers are on board the excursion train, led by this very locomotive, supported by a black GP9. As Caillou got the car stuck on the tracks, he struggled to push it off the tracks, but the train was heading right towards it. Nicholas, driving the train, used maximum brakes on his train, but soon crashed into the car and destroyed it instantly. As the police finally came, Caillou testified that the train destroyed the car, but Nicholas claimed that he was trying to avoid hitting the car. His passengers did support the fact that Nicholas was doing the right thing when something went wrong, he threw the train to an emergency halt, and stated that Caillou had willfully drove a vehicle onto an active train track
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